Notizia segnalata dalla Segreteria della Società Speleologica Italiana – Mila Bottegal

L’istituto di ricerca del carso di Postumia, Slovenia, sta organizzando il 17esimo corso “International Karstological School: Classical Karst”. Il corso si terrà a Postumia dal 15 giugno al 20 luglio 2009 con argomento: “CAVE CLIMATE”
Il corso scolastico sarà tenuto in lingua inglese, il termine di presentazione dei grants del Marie Curie è il 1° Marzo 2009 e la data ultima per le iscrizioni è il 15 Maggio 2009. Il costo dell’iscrizione è di 80 Euro.
Altri dettagli, in inglese; Se non lo capite non andrete neanche a fare il corso…

The Karst Research Institute from Postojna, Slovenia is organizing the 17th “International Karstological School: Classical Karst” . The school will take place in Postojna between June 15th and June 20th, 2009. The topic of this year’s school is “CAVE CLIMATE”.

Detailed topics will include:

o cave climate and cave meteorology,
o thermal dynamics of karst massifs,
o ice caves,
o radon in caves,
o relation between karst processes and cave climate,
o speleogenetic role of condensation processes,
o cave climate and underground habitats,
o measurements and instrumentation related to cave climate.

As always, the school will be organized as a series of keynote and invited lectures, oral and poster presentations related to the topic. The important part of the school are the field trips where the ongoingresearch and interesting features from Slovene karst related to the topic is presented. Therefore, the school is a great opportunity to see the mostimportant features of Classical karst, cross-sected by one of the trips.

Important details:

– The school is co-financed by the FP6 Marie Curie program supporting the travel, registration fee, expenses and accommodations and for about 40 young researchers.

– Registration fee is 80 EUR (including conference materials, refreshments during coffee breaks, participation at reception and at all excursions (food not included)). Undergraduate students are free of registration fee, if they submit the school-confirmation.

– The official language of the event is English. The organizer will selectthe way of individual presentation: oral or poster.

Important deadlines:

– Application for the Marie Curie grant: March, 1st, 2009

-Registration and abstract submission: May, 15th, 2009

For further details, application and registration, please visit:

We are looking forward to meet you in Postojna,
Franci Gabrovsek
Best regards,
Speleogenesis Team

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