International Speleology Meeting Urzulei 2019 Traces
All traces, even the smallest ones, leave a sign on this world. Ethics, respect of places space and time……..reflections in the dark….

Raduno Nazionale di Speleologia - Urzulei 2019
Raduno Nazionale di Speleologia - Urzulei 2019

The Icnussa a.p.s. Association, the municipality of Urzulei and Urzulei Speleological Archeological Environmental Group, ten years after the resounding success achieved in 2009, organize the International Speleology Meeting 2019.
This edition will take place in Urzulei – Sardinia island, Italy, in April the 25th, 26th , 27th and 28th ; the choice of these dates is dictated by the will to give the possibility to a lot of speleologists to come to Sardinia during a period of time when they can enjoy a mild weather and longer days.
They will be four days under the sign of divulgation and knowledge of the karstic and environmental patrimony of Sardinian, Italian and international territory, with the introductions of the new speleologic discoveries through exhibits, posters, videos and direct communications made by the subsoil explorers.
Prestigious guests belonging to the international speleologic panorama will be invited and will illustrate us their explorative experiences.
Thematic excursions inside the caves regarding the geological, mineralogical and biological aspects and visits dedicated to the apprehension of basic techniques of photography inside the caves will be organized.
There will be laboratories and playful entertainment with environmental theme for children in order to allow the “speleoparents” to freely participate to the several events on the agenda.
Other cultural initiatives in the territory intended to the no speleo will be organized.
That will be the best occasion to increase knowledge on the subject and to be acquainted with Urzulei’s and surroundings’ territory, rich in
caves, discovered in more than 50 years of research carried on by enthusiast and valuable speleologists from Sardinia, from then Peninsula and from abroad.

Detailed Program Under Costruction


10:00 Opening ceremony “ICNUSSA 2019”

13:00-17:00 Slow Speleology
Guided trips to caves in Urzulei with the aim of understanding more about Geology, Hydrogeology, cave dwelling fauna, and to shoot nice pictures in the caves.

Orbisi sinking stream
Su Cardu and Su Mammucone caves

17: 00 Speleology of the Past: tales and anecdotes of cavers of the Past

18:00 Surveying in the era of laserscanner and modern photo cameras.
Modern ways of mapping caves.

With the participation of Tommaso Santagata (ViGeA Reggio Emilia), Gruppo Grotte Nuorese, Speleo Club Oristanese, Centro Iglesiente Studi Speleologici e Archeologici (CISSA)

19:00 Team La Salle 3D slideshow “Karst in the World”

21:00 Speleology in the News.
Cave diving rescue in the cave in Thailand

With the participation of Rick Stanton

22:30 Science Pill: Let’s drink to tomorrow
The growing importance of karstic drinking waters

Bartolomeo Vigna (Politecnico di Torino)


07: 00 Caving trip organised by the Cave Diving Commission of the Sardinian Caving Federation
Grotta di Bel Torrente offers the opportunity of visiting a long, pretty and not too demanding sump. The area in which the cave lies (Gulf of Orosei) is ideal for such an excursion. This is the first time that sump visits are offered in an international caver meeting like this.

9:00 Cave laboratory with the youngest, for children between 6 and 10.
Su Cardu or su Mammucone caves (Urzulei)

9:00 Cave trip for kids between 12 and 16.
Sa Mela cave allows children to get a first approach with the cave and karst environment.

9:30 General assembly Italian Speleological Society

10:30 III C.N.S.S. – S.S.I. in collaboration with Icnussa aps and NSS Conservation Division Chiefs, USA
Workshop on “Cave Conservation and Restoration”

with Val Hildreth-Werker & Jim C. Werke

11:00-16:00 Slow Speleology
Guided trip to the caves of Oliena, with the aim of understanding more about Geology, Hydrogeology, cave dwelling fauna, and to shoot nice pictures in the caves.

Tiscali cave
Archaeological trip to Oliena
Nuragic village of Sos Carros (organized by Sardinia Inside, Maria Antonietta Furru)

Guided trip to know more about the fascinating geology of Supramonte (organized by the Gruppo Grotte Nuorese)

17: 00 Speleology of the Past: tales and anecdotes of cavers of the Past

17:00 Projects and studies of Sardinian cave fauna
organized by the Cave Fauna Commission of the Sardinian Federation of Speleology

Quirra Project
Castello di Medusa
Cave fauna of Urzulei

18:00 Talking about animals!
Life in caves

Moderated by: Paolo Agnelli (University of Florence)
With the participation of
Cave salamanders: Enrico Lunghi (University of Florence)
Bats: Mauro Mucedda (Centro Pipistrelli Sardegna/ GIRC – Gruppo Italiano Ricerca Chirotteri)
Sardinian cave fauna: Paolo Marcia (University of Sassari)
Cave fauna pictures: Enrico Lana, Valentina Balestre

19:00 Team La Salle 3D slideshow “A jump into the past”

21:00 Astronauts and Speleonauts
The training course for i astronauts in cave: ESA Caves 2011-2016

With the participation of Loredana Bessone, Francesco Sauro and Jo De Waele

22:30 Science Pill: Speleocosmos
Cave exploration tomorrow: extraterrestrial

Francesco Sauro (University of Bologna)


7:00 Caving trip organised by the Cave Diving Commission of the Sardinian Caving Federation
Locoli cave (Siniscola) only for expert cave divers.

Two very beautiful sumps can be visited in Locoli cave, being a logistical easy cave for cave diving (parking not far from the cave, rather simple transport of cave diving gear to the sump). The cave is located in Mt. Albo, and although rather distant from Urzulei (83 Km) it is however an ideal place to carry out such kind of excursions. This is the first time that sump visits are offered in an international caver meeting like this.

9:00 Cave laboratory with the youngest, for children between 6 and 10.
Su Cardu or su Mammucone caves (Urzulei)

10:30 III C.N.S.S. – S.S.I. in collaboration with Icnussa aps and NSS Conservation Division Chiefs, USA
Workshop on “Cave Conservation and Restoration”

with Val Hildreth-Werker & Jim C. Werke

11:00-16:00 Slow Speleology
Guided trips to the caves of Ulassai, with the aim of understanding more about Geology, Hydrogeology, cave dwelling fauna, bats, and to shoot nice pictures in the caves.
Grotta di Su Marmuri

17: 00 Speleology of the Past: tales and anecdotes of cavers of the Past
Projection of the film “Grotta Corbeddu” first documentary realized in a cave in Sardinia, Archive of the Cineteca Sarda.

18:00 Images and tales of caving 50 years ago
Pictures of caves, landscapes, and exploration in Sardinia of 50 years ago.

With the participation of Gruppo Speleologico Bolognese/Unione Speleologica Bolognese, Gruppo Speleologico Piemontese, Commissione Grotte Eugenio Boegan Trieste.

21:00 Close, open: The caving world of tomorrow
Round table on closed caves and their management

Moderated by: Angelo Pani (Journalist of the Unione Sarda)
With Francescantonio d’Orilia (President Show Cave Association Italy), Vincenzo Martimucci (President Italian Speleological Society), Tore Buschettu (President Sardinian Caving Federation), Paolo Agnelli (Museum la Specola Florence), Leonardo Colavita (La Venta Geographical Explorations), Nevio Preti (GSB/USB Bologna), CNSASS, Csaba Egri (Hungary), Michel Renda (France), Val Hildreth-Werker (Nat. Spel. Soc USA.).

22:30 Science Pill: The other life in caves (a part of cavers)
Knowing better who really adapted to living in caves, and what do they tell us.
The underground fauna of Palawan (Philippines): Paolo Agnelli (University of Florence)

More information at:

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