La National Speleological Society americana l’aveva pensata bene, creando un social network a tema speleologico su NING.
Ning è una piattaforma di social networking (una specie di facebook) che permette anche di creare delle aree tematiche e dei gruppi ristretti organizzati secondo attività comuni ecc.
C’è anche il Social Network degli speleologi della NSS, a cui anche io mi sono iscritto, perchè era gratis.
Il social network della NSS è cresciuto quindi a dismisura, ma adesso NING chiede il conto, perchè se il social network è molto grande, con molti utenti, molti accessi e molte pagine viste, è necessario per gli amministratori passare alla versione a pagamento.
Si inizia a pagare e gli amministratori consigliano di togliere le foto caricate fino ad ora dagli utenti.

TOO ALL: NSS Online Cavers!!! is cutting off free networks

I wanted to give a heads up on the Ning network this was just leaked this morning and is now starting to hit the News Services:
memo from Jason Rosenthal that was leaked to Techcrunch:

Existing free networks will have the opportunity to either convert to paying for premium services, or transition off of Ning. We will judge ourselves by our ability to enable and power Premium Ning Networks at huge scale. And all of our product development capability will be devoted to making paying Network Creators extremely happy.

As a consequence of this change, I have also made the very tough decision to reduce the size of our team from 167 people to 98 people. As hard as this is to do, I am confident that this is the right decision for our company, our business, and our customers. Marc and I will work diligently with everyone affected by this to help them find great opportunities at other companies.

The NSS is not shutting down NSS Online Cavers but it is Ning.Com that is shutting down NSS Online Caver. Unless some wants to purchase the Premium package for all of us. NSS Online Caver will probably be up for the next couple of weeks, but it is hard to tell what will happen.

Questa è la pagina di Scintilena su Ning:

Visit NSS Online Cavers

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