S4 Summer School Speleothem Science è una scuola di formazione rivolta a studenti, ricercatori all’inizio della carriera e a coloro che sono nuovi per la materia degli speleotemi.
S4 si è svolto precedentemente a Heidelberg 2013, Oxford 2015 e Burgos 2017; Per il 2019 il prossimo S4 sarà ospitato dall’Istituto di speleologia “Emil Racovita” (ERIS) e dall’università Babes-Bolyai a Cluj- Napoca, in Romania.

S4 2019 si svolgerà tra l’11 e il 17 Agosto 2019 e prevede conferenze, workshop e corsi sul campo tenuti da esperti di fama mondiale nel settore. Questi riguarderanno aspetti fondamentali della scienza degli speleotemi (formazione di speleotemi, datazione, petrografia, isotopo stabile e geochimica degli elementi in tracce), nonché nuove tecniche e approcci (isotopi raggruppati, analisi di inclusione dei fluidi e integrazione dei record di speleotemi con modelli climatici).
La scuola proporrà anche una gita di due giorni alle splendide montagne Apensuni, dove i partecipanti avranno l’opportunità di esplorare siti carsici di interesse mondiale.
S4 offre un luogo eccellente per incontrare altri studenti e ricercatori internazionali.

Durante una sessione poster che si terrà nel corso dell’incontro, i partecipanti avranno anche l’opportunità di presentare i propri lavori in un contesto informale per confrontarsi con i loro colleghi ed esperti.

Il termine ultimo per le iscrizioni è il 15 Marzo 2019

Segue programma e argomenti in lingua inglese; maggiori info su prenotazioni, iscrizioni, location, disponibili su https://www.speleothemschool.com/:

S4 will cover all things speleothem! Lectures and workshops will focus on the following topics:
– Carbon and oxygen Isotopes
– Trace element analysis
– U-Th and U-Pb dating
– Depth-age modeling
– Fluid inclusion analysis
– Clumped isotope analysis
– Cave monitoring
– Speleothems and archaeology
– High-resolution speleothem records
– Integrating speleothem and marine ice-core records
– Speleothem petrography
– Time series analysis
– Professional development

Applications close March 15,2019.

Registration fees will be 450-500 euro for successful applicants, payable beginning in April. Registration fees will include lodging costs, lunches, morning and afternoon tea and the event dinner. We aim to keep the event as affordable as possible, while still delivering a high quality experience.

S4 is committed to supporting diversity and inclusion in the sciences, and is pleased to offer a number of partial travel awards to S4 participants from diverse backgrounds, scientifically underrepresented countries or who otherwise demonstrate financial need. Awards will be in the form of a reimbursement, and are meant to help offset the cost of travel to S4. If interested, please apply here. Award announcements will be made in April, 2019. We thank our sponsors, PAGES and EGU, for their financial contributions to these awards.

All are also highly encouraged to apply for financial assistance from their home institution or external sources, such as through the International Associations of Sedimentologists (IAS) and/or European Association of Geochemistry.

Poster Session
Participants are encouraged to present their own research at an informal poster session held during the S4. This session will provide an opportunity for participants to practice presenting and discussing their research in a casual environment to receive valuable feedback and suggestions from experts in the field. Participants are welcome to present a research proposal, work in progress or published findings.

Poster title/abstracts can be submitted during registration.

Field Trips
The S4 field trip to the Apuseni Mountains will take place over the final two days of the Summer School. We will travel to the heart of Romania’s most famous karst area, located 150 km to the west of Cluj-Napoca. We plan to visit Scarisoara Ice Cave (hosting the largest and oldest underground cave glacier), Vârtop Cave (where 62 kyr old Neanderthal footprints have been found) as well as Crystal, Meziad and Bear Caves. The group will stay overnight in a mountain lodge. The S4 dinner will take place during the field trip. Costs associated with the field trip and conference dinner will be included in the registration fees.

Other Attractions
The city is in a very good base to explore the must see sights of Transylvania, such as Turda Salt Mine (museum of salt mining), Bran Castle (known as Dracula’s Castle), Sighisoara (a beautiful medieval town) and Rasnov Fortress. The unspoiled architectural and cultural landscape of traditional Transylvania, including that of Apuseni Mountains with majestic karst features and caves are well known touristic attractions.


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