The 14th International Congress of Speleology is now at the final stage of preparation with more than 200 papers and 500 registrations.
A week celebrating everything speleological will launch with registration and an ice-breaking party on Sunday 21st August, finishing with the traditional Closing Ceremony on Saturday 27th August (no doubt followed by another party). The venue is the seaside town of Kalamos, close to Athens and its international airport. The main conference centre will be the superbly equipped Dolphin Hotel. This four-star hotel has recently undergone a complete renovation which is why the Congress was lucky enough to secure it. A range of cheaper ccommodation is available in the neighbourhood, ranging from a spectacularly-equipped campsite to fun beach hotels. The Dolphin itself is only 200 metres from the sea and has its own excellent swimming pool.
The range of papers and participants is as diverse as ever with some particular good papers on Speleogenesis and Cave Archaeology. Bearing in mind that Greece has very impressive caves, the Pre and Post Congress excursions promise to be some of the best ever.
Outside the conference halls, the fact that Kalamos is a popular, cosmopolitan holiday resort means there is no doubt this Congress will have an unprecedented party atmosphere. The campsite, the many pool-sides and,of course, the beach will make excellent venues for impromptu get-togethers.
Kindly note that the pre and post congress excursions, which will take place, are the followings: 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 109, and 205, 213.
For more information please contact the Hellenic Speleological Society
Please check the websites for the latest information on the congress.
Although the registration fee is fixed, you get quite a lot for your money and staying at the conference can be very cost-effective. There are also cheap flights still available into Athens with some of the budget airlines.
Hope to see you there!
Conference Secretariat of 14 ICS
Notizia di Giovanni Badino