Bulgaria 3rd Balkan Speleological Congress
3rd Balkan Speleological Congress: Bulgaria It is a great honor to invite you to the 3rd Balkan Speleological Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria on 19-22 October 2023. The year 2023 will…
Una luce nel buio - Notiziario di speleologia e del sottosuolo
3rd Balkan Speleological Congress: Bulgaria It is a great honor to invite you to the 3rd Balkan Speleological Conference in Sofia, Bulgaria on 19-22 October 2023. The year 2023 will…
The team of the European Cave Protection Commission is inviting every caver with cave and karst protection and conservation ambitions, to join the commission to help pushing forward the cave…
La miglior foto speleo di oggi è di Daniel Kordan, scattata nella Grotta di Jomblang, Isola di Giava – Indonesia. Pubblicata ieri sul suo profilo Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02E5TmvZBxk9jktZt2UTTMNZDDHeRg7DTou5PqioaUi59xzUFukzaTmexutNuV7wq6l&id=100001415172876 Post Views: 16
List of Upcoming Cave and Karst MeetingsIf you are interested in any of the following events, contact the following websites or organizers directly for more information:1) United Nations 2023 Water…
The time has arrived to formally announce the 2023 Karst Field Studies (KFS) summer program line-up via email. We are so pleased to announce that registration for Summer 2023 is…
La foto di oggi è ‘La luce dal fondo’ - Fontanin del Fratte, Claut (PN) di Giampaolo Pessina.
La Federazione Speleologica Europea annuncia il 15esimo EuroSpeleoForum che si svolgerà in occasione dell’incontro nazionale di speleologia tedesco del 2023, ad Hessen, dal 17 al 21 maggio 2023 15th EuroSpeleo…
New Book and Cave Chapter: Human Impacts on Mexican Caves Springer Publishers have released a new book titled, Mexican Fauna in the Anthropocene, which contains 27 chapters and 593 pages.…
Job, Student, and Researcher Opportunities: Various News: Conferences and Meetings: Please see the attached file for details and contact the people and organizations listed for more information. Feel free to…
Trieste Martedì 28 febbraio 2023 continua al Teatro Miela di Trieste (piazza Duca degli Abruzzi 3, Trieste) la XXXII edizione della Rassegna Internazionale di Cinema di Montagna ALPI GIULIE CINEMA…